Document 1951 DOCN M94A1951 TI Facilitating participatory evaluation: a case study of TASO. DT 9412 AU Anderson S; Kaleeba N; Kalibala S; Kaseje M; Katabira E; Ssebbanja P; van Praag E; World Health Organization, Global Programme on AIDS, Geneve,; Suisse. SO Int Conf AIDS. 1994 Aug 7-12;10(1):414 (abstract no. PD0264). Unique Identifier : AIDSLINE ICA10/94370624 AB OBJECTIVE: In 1993 after more than 5 years of AIDS care. The AIDS Support Organization (TASO) undertook a participatory evaluation of its clinical, counselling and social support services, with technical assistance from WHO/GPA. This paper examines the methodology of the TASO study to demonstrate the process and outcome of a participatory evaluation. METHODS: The study was carried out in 7 centres over a period of 12 months and comprised the following steps: brainstorming by TASO staff on the objectives; planning for the evaluation with active participation of TASO staff; training of TASO personnel; data collection and analysis; and dissemination of findings to TASO staff and others. Structured and unstructured interviews, focus group discussions, observations and case studies were used. Clients gathered temporary information from fellow clients about their experiences with TASO services. RESULTS: With one external consultant and technical advice from WHO/GPA (WHO/GPA acting as the facilitator), TASO staff were able to discover, discuss and use evaluation methods and decide on measurable indicators to assess their services. TASO staff, clients and donors all had opportunities to jointly interpret data and draw conclusions before further dissemination. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS: While the participatory evaluation process has been lengthy, it provided a practical learning experience. Required changes were identified and owned by TASO. The evaluation results helped strengthen 1) the care services by highlighting problems and solutions; and 2) the monitoring system by identifying specific measurable indicators. TASO demonstrated that indigenous NGOs have the will and capacity to evaluate their effectiveness in AIDS care, and that with relevant support, acquired skills for assessing services to PWAs and their families and monitoring services in a manner conforming to the rigorous demands of an evaluation exercise can be accomplished. DE Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome/*PSYCHOLOGY/REHABILITATION/ *THERAPY Counseling Europe Human Organizations, Nonprofit/*ORGANIZATION & ADMIN *Social Support Switzerland Treatment Outcome World Health Organization MEETING ABSTRACT SOURCE: National Library of Medicine. NOTICE: This material may be protected by Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.Code).